Yesterday after I wrote, I went a little bit off my diet. For lunch/dinner, I did fine... I had a salad with walnuts, Asiago cheese and oil and vinegar, and a bowl of Amy's Lentil soup... but then at work I was still hungry. I fully admit to grabbing a few french fries off of some plates. But what I really wanted was some bread with butter, and I didn't have it. So I guess I have to just focus on what I did right. When I got home, I was still hungry, so I tried to appease my sweet tooth with one of those small 1-serving things of ice cream. The thing that really sucked was later... I celebrated 4/20 with my friends and had 2 pieces of chocolate and some potato chips. If I had just had one of those things (only the french fries, or only the ice cream, or only the munchies later), it wouldn't have been so bad. But I had all three. I woke up so disappointed in myself, and I really want to remember that feeling so I don't have it again. I promise to do good today and to stay away from the french fries at work and all other evil cravings.
I started off pretty decent today with a 40 minute bike ride. It was beautiful out, and I didn't really feel like slaving away on the elliptical. Plus, my arms and legs are still really sore from the weights I did yesterday and the Wii Fit I did the other day, so I decided to give the strength training a break. Bike riding instead of the gym was awesome. Last summer, I started biking instead of going to the gym, and I absolutely loved it. It was a different feeling, working out in the sunshine with a cool breeze around you. I've been waiting for the warmer weather so I can do that again. I love going to the gym, I honestly do, but sometimes I need to do something different, you know? I wish I could have rode for longer, but my legs are burning in pain from working out the last two days.
I plan on eating a nice healthy breakfast now, but I'm not sure what to have. I don't feel like I'm in the mood for eggs, and I don't think we have oatmeal. Hmm. I'll figure something out.
I just hope that I can accomplish my goal. Right now, my realistic goal is to lose 10 pounds before my first beach day. That is no where close to how much weight I want to lose, but it will make me feel better. I really want to lose 20 pounds. I need to actually. I hate the weight I'm at right now. If I could see 129 on the scale... I would be soooo happy. Just being in the 120's would make me feel better about myself. From there, I want to go down to at LEAST 120 or 115. I think I can do it if I try hard enough. I just can't let myself get side tracked and distracted. I HAVE to keep my goals in mind. I wish someone could give me that will power!
[New program] Healing Code
11 hours ago