Sorry I haven't written in a few days! I'm disappointed in myself, but my sinus problems have been acting up so badly that I have mostly just been being a bum at home. And if I'm going to be honest, not eating very well. I've been so sick that I haven't been able to go out with my friends, so I've just been kind of miserable, bored and lonely. And you know what that usually leads to.
But this is a new week, so I'm really going to try hard. (I feel like I say this every Monday by the way)
I weighed myself this morning, which was a bad idea, because it was more than I wanted to see. But at least now I know - I want to lose 7 pounds in a few weeks. That won't bring me to my goal weight (I still want to lose at least 10 more after that), but it sounds so much less intimidating when I break it up that way. If I can lose 7 pounds, I will be very very happy. And with my tiny frame, those 7 lost pounds will for sure make a difference.
The thing is, is that I had wanted to lose those pounds by now. I have my little cousin's Sweet 16 coming up next weekend, and I have to wear a tiny dress in front of the majority of my family. The week after that, I have my other cousin's wedding. I actually just bought a new dress for that - it's shimmery gold with a plunging neckline, relatively short and also sleeveless. I hate sleeveless, because I hate my arms, but honestly the rest of the dress looks pretty decent and flatters my body. So I guess I'll suck it up or try to find a wrap to wear.
I'm interning today, so I can't take pictures of my food =( I mean, I could, but I guess I would feel a little awkward doing that right in the middle of the office. So I'll just say what I ate.
Breakfast: I missed my train, so I had time to come home and eat something. I had 1 egg white fried and nibbled on a half of a toasted multi-grain sandwich thin. When I got into NYC, I got my usual, a triple grande skim vanilla latte. I didn't have my Fiber-One granola bar until around noon, to hold me over so I could have a late lunch.
Lunch: I had a yummy salad from Bread Market. It was mixed greens with roasted cauliflower, walnuts, shredded mozzarella, and balsamic vinagrette. It was really good and I don't think it was that bad, right? It was pretty filling. Afterwards, I munched on a small bag of BBQ Baked Lays. I know chips should be off limits, but sometimes I need them in my life.
I haven't had any snacks yet except for a medium coffee I've been nursing for the past hour and a half. I will probably end up getting something out of the vending machine before the end of my day, because I don't get home until so late. Usually I bring a piece of fruit just for the late afternoon, but we had none at home today. I hope I can have some whole-wheat pasta with veggies for dinner, and I will make sure that tides me over for the rest of the night!
The topic of pasta brings me to something else. I am kind of stealing an idea from a website I read, but not really. I'm considering giving something different up for like 2 weeks every 2 weeks. Here are my ideas:
-Give up carbs.
-Give up soda.
-Give up fruit juice.
-Give up Starbucks (oh, the horror!)
-Give up potato chips.
-Give up cheese.
-Give up tea loaded with sugar.
-Give up chocolate.
I think it might be kind of a cool experiment. My hope is that after those 2 weeks, I will get used to not having those things and might not need them as much. The only thing I'm worried about is that backfiring, and after the two weeks I go on a binge where I eat exactly what I gave up. But I don't think I will let that happen. I'd like to try it - plus it will give me something to blog about.
Sorry this has been a long post with no pictures to speed up the process! (If anyone is even reading this)
[New program] Healing Code
16 hours ago
Hey girl -- I've been sick and in the same boat. I ate kinda crappy over the weekend, but it's okay -- new week, new food, etc., etc. Don't be too hard on yourself! :) I like how you're creating mini goals! I agree they are so much less daunting than the big picture. <3
ReplyDeletethanks! I know, they really are, it makes it seem not as scary lol... I'm sorry you were sick, it sucks doesn't it? Especially over the weekend =( hope your better now!