It's been a while! I have to admit that I got very side-tracked from my diet, and, well... basically went off it altogether. =( I'm disappointed in myself, because this is my biggest problem: I do so good for a few weeks, start to make progress, and then go right back into the same old stuff. I hate it! I want to stop doing that!
But for right now, I'm back on the diet/exercise thing. I could sit here and make excuses for why I got back into my old habits - I've been super busy, I've been working kind of weird hours, I've been stressed out. But I won't focus on those, because they only make it seem like it's okay. And it's not. I should be eating healthy no matter how busy, stressed, or tired I am.
So today, I am finally doing good. After a few weeks of eating horribly bad foods for me at all moments of the day (hi 4 boxes of Valentines day chocolates, many late-night drunk munchies, period cravings and depressed eating), I have pretty much made myself feel like shit. This is nothing new. If I go a few weeks eating that badly, with pretty much no nutritional value in anything, I feel sick all the time. My stomach has been hurting like crazy, I've been tired and low on energy, and I've been breaking out. Today, I am trying to reverse this process.
In an attempt to eat better, I have tried to look at all aspects of my life when I really do not eat good so I can change that. So, here is where my bad habits come from:
1. Internship
The Problem: The sad thing is is that I thought I did pretty okay here. But now that I'm looking at it, not really. I don't eat that much, but since I'm here for so long, I normally end up grabbing unhealthy snacks. The morning lattes should be my one indulgence of the day, since I am so unwilling to give up Starbucks. I ruin my relatively okay eating (salads or a healthy sandwich for lunch) with a bag of chips added in. And then later on in the day, when the late afternoon hunger/boredom cravings kick in, I grab more unhealthy snacks from the vending machine. So those unhealthy snacks need to stop.
What I Can Do: Bring my own snacks and my own lunch in. Not only will this save me calories, but it will also save me money. I can bring in healthier snacks, like a banana, apple, orange (fruit that's easy to carry around all day), almonds, rice cakes, carrot sticks... anything healthy to munch on instead of chips.
2. Late Nights
The Problem: This happens especially when I work at Outback. Since I work through dinner hours, I come home hungry and tired and willing to eat anything that's quick and easy. Sometimes that means skipping dinner and just eating junk food. And it sucks.
What I Can Do: Try to skip the meal. This is what I would like to do, because eating late at night is just bad. But if I'm really, really hungry, I'll have to suck it up and make something healthy. I can stock up on those frozen veggies that you just microwave, which is quick and painless and takes the same amount of time as making popcorn does.
3. When Alcohol Is Involved
The Problem: The drunk munchies. A problem for every girl trying to diet who also loves to party. Not to mention the alcohol itself. I normally drink beer, because I am constantly broke and it's the cheapest thing to buy. And when I get drunk, I just really want to eat. And I never want to eat carrots or cheese sticks or something like that... just to give you an idea, my favorite drunk food is nacho cheese Dorritos on a buttered roll from 7-11. A truly amazing combination that I would never want to eat sober, and I do not want to know the calorie count. Another favorite? Stouffer's frozen mac n cheese. These are the things I have when drunk.
What I Can Do: Don't eat after going out. It's hard to resist when alcohol has taken over, but I just have to remember. And I should also stop drinking so much. If I do, I should just splurge and buy a glass of wine or a vodka/cranberry instead of beer.
4. When I'm Bored
The Problem: I don't have anything else to do, so I eat. I rummage through my kitchen counters, refrigerator, freezer, anything there, searching for something interesting to eat. Like that is going to keep me entertained.
What I Can Do: Find something else to do when bored! Do anything that will occupy my hands.
5. When Watching TV
The Problem: Eating while watching TV has become such a habit for me that it is to the point where I can't watch without eating. And this is by far the worst trap for me, because I watch a lot of TV and movies. I always reach for the worst things... nachos, popcorn with butter, ice cream, chips of any kind, cookies, chocolate... you name it, I will eat it. I just need to have something to eat or watching TV just isn't as enjoyable to me. I know that's in my head and I know I made myself feel like that, but I still can't stop.
What I Can Do: Slowly make myself get used to watching TV without eating. And if I have to eat, I'll eat something healthy.
6. When I'm Depressed
The Problem: I'm miserable, I want something to make me feel better, food is there. And the worst thing is is that in the end, eating only makes me feel worse.
What I Can Do: I don't know about this one.
So there you have it. I'm doing better today. In attempt to solve the first problem, I brought my own snacks to the internship today. I bought 3 plain rice cakes, an orange, and a bag of 100 calorie almonds. I also brought a bottle of water. So far today, it's almost 5... I had a latte for breakfast, along with a Starbucks mango-macadamia nut granola bar, which was delicious. I didn't eat lunch until after 2, and I got a salad from Bread Cafe - mixed greens with olives, chickpeas, broccoli, and cheddar cheese with a light oil and vinegar dressing. Besides the cheese, pretty good! I had the 3 rice cakes I bought with my lunch. I'm pretty hungry right now, so I think I'll be eating the orange in a few minutes. I brought the almonds too because I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here late, so I can munch on those in a few hours.
I hope I can keep up with this this time! I would love to wake up and go to the gym tomorrow. When Fashion Week was going on, I literally had no time to get to the gym, so I haven't been in a while. But hopefully I can force myself out of bed for a little step and total body tomorrow morning!
I'll update with what happens. I like writing about this stuff in here. It makes me feel a teensy bit better about everything.
[New program] Healing Code
16 hours ago
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