Hello! I have completed my first full week of Weight Watchers with good news: I lost 3.3 pounds! I'm really proud of myself!
I did okay this week - but I guess I did better than I thought! I started out the week doing awesome, doing everything right and not cheating, and working out. But by the end of the week, that stopped. Friday morning I got home a little later than normal and it threw off my routine. I didn't go to the gym, and I didn't feel like sticking to my diet - so I didn't. On Saturday, I had a bridal shower. I had pasta and salmon and a napoleon for lunch! It was extremely heavy - but then I didn't really eat anything else all day because I was so full. On Sunday, I didn't eat much but still didn't count points. I did do a little exercise though. So I have to say, I was surprised to lose the 3 pounds.
But it feels great! I know 3 pounds is not a lot, but it's just nice to have lost SOMETHING. It would have been such a let down to not lose anything in the first week. Those 3 little pounds are inspiring me to do EVEN BETTER this week! Imagine what I can lose if I work out everyday and eat right EVERY day and not just on the weekdays! I know that realistically, probably NOT much more than 3 pounds, but if I can lose 3 pounds each week, that is so much better than nothing.
I've done okay today. I actually have been so busy at my internship (I shouldn't even be writing in here right now), that I haven't even eaten or thought about eating. I had a venti non-fat vanilla latte from Starbucks - 6 points right there! It looks like that's my breakfast, since it's already noon. I'm going to have soup from Hale & Hearty again for lunch and since I have the extra points available, maybe I'll get something else little. I was also going to run to Duane Reade or something to get some carrots for a snack later.
In related news, I just saw a picture of me on Facebook today that has inspired me to work even harder. As much as I REALLY don't want to, I'm posting it here:
EW. Like, what even IS that? Am I a turkey? I had no idea I had so many chins. Ugh. It just totally disgusts me. It makes me want to work out until I pass out and then never eat again.
Anyway. I needed to post that here for added inspiration. Maybe the next time I feel like eating chocolate or not counting points I'll remember this horrible picture. And then maybe I'll think about this bikini I desperately want to wear in the summer:
And I won't eat.
[New program] Healing Code
11 hours ago
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